How to push your Docker image to Docker Hub
31 Dec 2022 | 3 minute read
The Docker Hub is an online repository of Docker images that allows you to upload, share, and manage Docker images. It is a great tool for storing and managing your Docker images, especially if you are working on a team project or if you want to share your images with the community. In this article, we will explain how to upload your Docker image to the Docker Hub. Before we begin, it’s important to remember that in order to upload an image to the Docker Hub, you must have a Docker Hub account and be logged in.
List Firewall Rules in RHEL
28 Dec 2022 | 1 minute read
To list the firewall rules in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can use the firewall-cmd command, like this: sudo firewall-cmd --list-all This will display a list of all the current firewall rules, including rules for incoming and outgoing traffic and rules for specific services or ports. In addition to these commands, you can also use the iptables command to list the firewall rules in RHEL. Iptables is a utility that allows you to configure the Linux kernel’s built-in firewall.
What is Telnet? Find out how it can help you!
26 Dec 2022 | 3 minute read
The telnet application is a utility that allows for connection to remote servers through a computer network. It was originally developed for the ARPANET network, the first high-speed computer network that allowed communication between universities and government institutions in the United States. Today, telnet is still widely used for testing simple network socket connectivity, although only for TCP connections, and not UDP. One of the main advantages of telnet is that it allows network administrators to verify that a particular service is working correctly, without physically accessing the server.
How to check if a network port is open?
24 Dec 2022 | 4 minute read
Verifying if a network port is open or not is an important task for system administrators and network engineers. It allows them to ensure that the network is functioning correctly and that services are running as expected. In this article, we will discuss three command-line tools that can be used to check if a network port is open or not on a Linux or Unix operating system: netstat, ss e lsof.
Creating your AI bot with docker
22 Dec 2022 | 3 minute read
In this article, we will learn how to create an AI bot with Docker. Docker is an application virtualization tool that allows you to easily package and distribute apps in containers. This is useful for AI bot development because it allows the bot code to be easily distributed and run on different environments consistently. To start, we will create a new project in a directory of your choice. Next, we will create a Dockerfile, which is a simple text file containing instructions for Docker to create a container for your AI bot.
How to protect your Linux distribution?
21 Dec 2022 | 3 minute read
Linux distribution is a highly customizable and secure operating system, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be vulnerable to cyber attacks. As a Linux user, it is important to take measures to protect your system and personal data against these attacks. One of the main security measures you can take is to keep your operating system and applications up to date. Updates usually include security vulnerability fixes that have been discovered since the last time the software was updated.
26 Jul 2021 | 2 minute read
Hello everyone! The technology area is so brimming with abbreviations that it’s difficult to know them all. . At first it’s almost impossible to memorize them all, but as time goes by, you use them all in your day-to-day, then go out talking in meetings and dailys, an expert will come. Here I’ll share a few: AI: Artificial Intelligence API: Application Programming Interface AWS: Amazon Web Services CD: Continuous Deployment CDN: Content Delivery Network CI: Continuous Integration CLI: Command Line Interface DNS: Domain Name System FTP: File Transfer Protocol GCP: Google Cloud Platform GNU: Gnu’s Not Unix GUI: Graphical User Interface HTML: HyperText Markup Language HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure IAAS: Infrastructure As A Service IDE: Integrated Development Environment IE: Internet Explorer IP: Internet Protocol JSON: JavaScript Object Notation LTS: Long Term Support PAAS: Platform As A Service PHP: PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PR: Pull Request REST: REpresentational State Transfer SAAS: Software As A Service SFC: Single File Component SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SQL: Structured Query Language SSH: Secure SHell SSL: Secure Socket Layer TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet protocol VPN: Virtual Private Network VPS: Virtual Private Server XML: Extensible Markup Language YAML: Yet Ain’t Markup Language I hope I helped in some way and thank you for following up here and I’ll wait for you in the next article 😃
24 Jul 2021 | 2 minute read
AWS COST REDUCTION [PART 01] Hello everyone! Using the AWS cloud is wonderful and makes life a lot easier, besides literally creating an account and having the possibility to create VMs with 1 or 128 vCPU, for example. The great thing, as I always say, is there is no free lunch! At the end of the month, the bill arrives. This week I’m going to give you tips on a few points we can look out for to reduce our monthly AWS bill.
22 Jul 2021 | 2 minute read
Hello everyone! Earlier this month we looked at How to disable firewall in Ubuntu 20.04 today we’re going to look at the same task but in com the CentOS(Red Hat) operating system. CHECK STATUS On Ubuntu, we use ufw to interact with this distribution’s firewall service. On CentOS, the Firewall service is called firewalld. To interact and obtain information about the service we use systemctl. In the case to get the firewall status we use the following command: systemctl status firewalld.
19 Jul 2021 | 3 minute read
Introduction In any OS, manage disk space is an important job. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to do this with the df command. The df command is a powerful utility that we used to see how much space do I have free on the disk. Can use to remember the df command is “Disk-Free”. Basic Syntax Let’s understand the basic syntax: df [OPTION]... [FILE]... The options parameters influence how the df command interacts with the input.
08 Jul 2021 | 2 minute read
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash. NOVAS LINGUAS DISPONÍVEIS PARA EXAMES AWS Opa pessoal tudo certo!? Hoje a AWS disponibilizou seus exames em outras linguagens, então resolvi verificar na Person VUE para entender como vai funcionar isso, pois meus alunos sempre questionam sobre o inglês nos exames. Sendo sincero, já afirmei em treinamentos: “Eu acredito que estes exames nunca serão disponibilizados em Português!”, com essa notícia da AWS mordi a língua.